Vienna is covered with monuments to all the various famous Austrians, from the Emperors to Goethe. This one is from the Heldenplatz.

The Kunsthistorisches Museum, with geometric shrubbery.

We went to see La Boheme at the Vienna Opera house. They sell standing room tickets on the night of the show for 3.50 Euros, which actually give you a better view than many of the seats. We were packed in in neat rows like sardines, with hardly any air to breathe. It was a little hard on the feet, too, but opera for $5!

The Museum of Modern Art (Mumok) was having a special exhibit on math and art, most of which was not very exciting (pictures of cubes, etc.), except when you get the Fibonacci sequence in neon. Had to sneak a photo for Katrina, at least.

The Mumok also had an exhibit of contemporary art, which was set up in aisles like a grocery store to artistically bring to mind the commercial nature of art. The lighting was horrible (so excuse the blurriness), but I find it hard to resist bizarre things like this. Don't really know how meaningful it is, though....

Maya and I pose in front of Vienna's fake temple. It could almost be Sicily, except for the heavy coats.

1 comment:
Hey, Anna!
I'm just testing out the commenting process for my mom, whose long and involved commentary on your adventures was eaten by this here new-fangled technology sometime this afternoon.
Keep on keepin' on, girlfriend!
Also, I'm not sure if I should take the fact that a cup of coffee costs as much as standing room tickets to the opera to be more a commentary on the absurd expensiveness of coffee or on the absurd cheapness of the tickets.
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