Friday, April 25, 2008


After a short jaunt up to Mathura, birthplace of Krishna and modern home of the Hare Krishna "movement" ("cult" seemed a little more accurate when we got lost and wandered into their commune), we caught a bus down to Gwalior. Gwalior is known primarily for its hilltop fort, which overlooks the bustling modern city.

Inside the fort were an assortment of palaces and temples. This palace, you will notice, is decorated with some very unique tiling.

We were pretty overheated when we came down, and stopped to have a cold drink. Coca Cola has never been so appealing as it is here. I think I have had more Coke in India than the last five years in the US. The glass bottles (which you have to return immediately for return to the factory!) make all the difference cold against your lips, and it doesn't hurt that the pop is made with sugar instead of corn syrup.

So, after the Coca Cola ad ended, we went to see a more recent palace, part of which is still inhabited by the ruling family. The luxuries of which extended beyond pink hand-blown chandeliers to a dining room served by a miniature train!

As we were walking across town, a group of young boys insisted I take their picture. Who was I to refuse?

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