Wednesday, March 5, 2008


I spent two days in Munich, walking around in an exhausted daze for the most part. I did however notice some of the sights around me and even took some photos of them.

The building I was most impressed by in Munich was the Neue Rathaus, the new town hall, built around 1900 in a Neo-gothic style. I was surprised to find out that over half of Munich had been destroyed by American bombing in WWII,and that towers in particular had been targeted and destroyed. The Rathaus, like most of Munich's buildings, was reconstructed according to the original architectural plans.

On my second day in Munich, I explored the city with Samuel Schneider, a fellow from Brazil who I met at the Hostel. He was very curious about how an American felt about the buildings in Munich, seeing as it was I who had destroyed them. He also commented that the US had earned the right to dominate the world by defending justice in WWII. It certainly made a nice change from walking around alone, at least.

Here are few more pictures from Munich. I didn't spend hardly any money on entrance fees, so most of what I saw was architecture and Churches. I did have to try out my much extolled new camera, after all. Also, all the pictures are links to full-size (i.e. huge) versions.
Gate into the Rathaus

Baroque Church interior

Me at the top of a reconstructed tower

(Look! I'm alive!)


Unknown said...

Hey! Nice pic of you, but your eyes look sad. Shame on you. You're supposed to be having an amazing time every step of the way.
I think I understand better how you must have been feeling now right before you left. I've got 18 days left and so much to do.
Oh, and if you are still looking for something to do near the end of your trip, I pretty much get all of August off.
I'll catch you later. Have fun!

Deborah said...

Color me impressed girl. Mark me down as a loyal reader and I look forward to all the adventure. It's funny how many of those self portraits I've taken that look exactly the same. Drink plenty of tea!

Jenny said...

1) I like the man-coming-out-of-the-wall gargoyle.

2) Yay for still-alive-ness!! =D

3) Uber-yay for the blog! I look forward to living vicariously though your words and camera. ^_^